My Services

Developmental Editing

Heavy edits & in-manuscript commentary regarding plot flow, story beats, character development, consistency, & more. Includes a full editorial letter as well to discuss my closing thoughts and feedback on your novel.

Beta Reading

A careful, thorough read of your full manuscript with critique and honest reactions explaining what worked and didn’t work for me as your reader and why or why not.

Outline Assessment

Deep study of your novel’s outline, with thorough feedback regarding flow, moving scenes chronologically, adding or removing scenes, and more.


Want to sit down & talk about or brainstorm your manuscript’s progress in real time? I offer full hour and 1/2 hour consultations via phone call. This is a comprehensive, intense session in which I work with you on whatever area you are struggling with on your writing.

Learning Resources

Classes, guides, worksheets & more for authors & editors of all skill levels.

I will be frequently adding more resources, so be sure to check back often if you’re interested or don’t see a specific topic yet!